My Husband and I was planning to have a Cable TV ; However, We have been searching for the best provider in the Metro, a lot of the provider has different freebies being offered they tend to exaggerate things.
I went to a friend's house to visit her and then I noticed that she has a LCD TV in the living room, woman instinct, I grab the remote control, turned on the TV and scroll all the channels, it has a lot and I was curious and asked if she encounter any problem with it and according to her, she does not experience any channel interruption at all. So, I was thinking if that is the case maybe this is the provider I was looking for. I went to their shop and ask for the requirements, Alas! There is a lot to be taken care of. Because we rented a house, I was required to submit Contract of Lease, utility bills, valid ID's with picture.
Because I am eager to have a connection, I gathered all the requirements and submit it to their duly authorized agent. I am informed that there are fees to be made and ask what type subscription plan I want. Payment option is by Monthly, Semi-Annually and Annually. I chose Plan 999 unlimited and to be paid every month, it is better to pay it every month rather on a Semi-Annual or Annual basis because I may not be able to pay it at one. The provider offered me a 15 day Trial or money back guarantee if I am not satisfied with their service.
They had a 300 meter free wiring installation; any excess will be charge to me, so I was taken aback with the information. I asked them how much it would cost me, They said it will cost me $0.30 cents per meter and I don't have to worry, they will add it to the monthly billing one time only. So I went home and told my husband about it, he suggested to look for another provider, after I explained to him the detailed he then realized that we don't have any alternative solution, that the only the best Cable TV provider in town. I've talked to my friend, she is using their services for some time now. She paid also the excess wire. She has no choice because their house is far from where the post is located.
the ultimate fight of the year! |